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PR News wins two AMEC Awards

PR News wins a Gold with Greenpeace and a Bronze with Ozon at the prestigious 2020 AMEC Awards recognizing achievements in communications and media measurement

The International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC) hosted the Annual AMEC International Summit on July 8-9, 2020, as part of which the winners of the 2020 AMEC Awards were announced. The AMEC Awards honor the very best achievements in communications planning, measurement and research worldwide.

PR News won a Bronze with Ozon for Best Use of New Technology in Communications Measurement and a Gold with Greenpeace Russia for Best Use of Measurement for a Single Event or Campaign.

“AMEC Awards are the Oscars of communications measurement and winning one is the best accolade a PR research professional can get. We are especially pleased to have had the chance to do a large-scale and interesting project with Greenpeace and the opportunity to try new data processing and semantic analysis technology in our project with Ozon. Success should always be expected when the researcher and the client collaborate effectively,” commented Lilia Glazova, CEO of PR News.

AMEC Awards is an international communications measurement competition held by AMEC to promote and advance the global measurement standard and the latest trends in the industry. https://amecorg.com/awards/awards-2020/2020-announcement/


PR Campaign Analysis

PR Campaign Analysis

От 60 000 до 360 000 рублей

Developing and Measuring KPI

Developing and Measuring KPI

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Media Audit (survey of journalists)

Media Audit (survey of journalists)

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