M3 Mapping
As an AMEC (International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication) associate member PR News gladly presents the new initiative of AMEC which helps PR professionals better plan and resource their measurement and evaluation programmes.
The Measurement Maturity Mapper, or M3, is a survey-based diagnostic tool designed for professionals at any level of sophistication, and from any type of organization. Its main goal is to help practitioners to understand their measurement and evaluation journey by clearly benchmarking where they are starting from in the ongoing process.
After answering several questions focused on how their organization, or their client’s organization, currently approaches communication measurement and evaluation at three levels (reporting, planning and demonstrating impact) users will receive a relative benchmark - by market, sector, organization type or size - on where users are in their measurement and evaluation journey, both overall and for each of component. The M3 Mapping also provides practical advice for how those organizations can propel themselves along the measurement and evaluation.
For more information, please visit https://m3.amecorg.com/
International expertise: the maturity of communications measurements
When it comes to communications, there is a lot of talk about whether they can or can’t be measured and ways to do it. To help professionals on all levels plan measurements and evaluate communications more effectively, AMEC in 2018 launched a global project called The Measurement Maturity Mapper, or M3, to create a survey-based diagnostic tool to help organizations get a benchmark of where they stand in their measurement and evaluation journey. The M3 also provides practical advice on ways to improve measurement and evaluation methods.
We hope PR professionals find this endeavor useful. The results of the survey will be made available to all participants, and individual recommendations will be offered to all respondents who fill out the questionnaire and leave their contact details.
By taking the survey, you will help the international community of media measurement and evaluation professionals identify global trends in the industry.
Lilia Glazova, PR News CEO