About PR News
PR News, founded in 2006, is a leading communications research company offering a full range of media monitoring and analysis, communications research, and consulting services. We have grown our business by constantly improving the quality of service, expanding expertise across a variety of areas, and using the latest data technology and individual approach to clients. PR News is a client-oriented company with a flexible approach to finding solutions that values long-term partner relations with clients.
Quick Facts
500,000 pieces of coverage delivered to clients a year on average
400+ outlets in in-house archive
100+ projects done monthly
300+ industry events that PR News has been a media partner of
49% of clients have worked with PR News for more than 3 years
60+ staff
50+ reports and presentations delivered by Managing Director Lilia Glazova at industry events
40+ articles based on PR News research published in media industry and business outlets
International Associations
PR News is the only Russian company that holds memberships in two international media monitoring and measurement associations. We have a seat on the AMEC Business Development Committee which develops new media measurement methods.
PR News won Osnova Rosta and Vremya Innovatsii awards in 2014, АМЕС Awards Bronze for Best Use of Measurement for a Single Event in 2015 and AMEC Awards Silver for Best use of integrated communication measurement/research in 2017. In 2020 PR News won two AMEC Awards. It was Gold in Best use of measurement for a single event or campaign and Bronze in Best use of new technology in communications measurement. The company is a regular at industry events, actively participates in efforts to advance the PR industry, and contributes to educational programs for future PR professionals.
PR News is a winner of Eventiada IPRA Golden World Awards for 2020 and 2021. In 2021 PR News wins three AMEC Awards. Gold is taken for Best evaluation on a small budget and Bronze goes for Best first steps on a measurement journey. But the most significant was the winning of the nomination AMEC Communications Research & Measurement Team of the Year – mid-sized.
Our Advantages
About Lilia Glazova, PR News CEO

Lilia Glazova,
Lilia Glazova started her career at the Moscow Foundation for the Promotion of Parliamentary System and Social Information in 2001. She then worked as a Head of Monitoring and Analytics at PRP Weber Shandwick from 2002 to 2005. She joined PR News in 2005 in the position of Head of Analytics and was promoted to CEO in 2007.
Lilia holds a degree in sociology from the Moscow State University and a degree in economics from the Russian State Open Railway Transport University. She completed an MBA course at the Katz School of Business, University of Pittsburgh in 2014.
On March 13, 2020 members of the Russian Association of PR Consultancies (AKOS) which is the Russian branch of ICCO elected Lilia Glazova chairwoman of the association for 2020-2022. She is also a member of the Russian Public Relations Association. Nominee for Russia’s Media Manager of the Year 2015 and in 2019 Lilia is ranked on Russia’s Top 1,000 Managers in Executives, Services.
Gives lectures at the Moscow State University, MGIMO, RUDN University, MACS, Moscow PR School and Russian Higher School of Economics.
The past decade in the Russian PR industry, which also was a time of robust growth and development at PR News, saw a lot of milestones in communications research. Amendments to the AKOS Memorandum on PR Efficiency Evaluation Methods enable Russian firms to be more active in expanding their arsenal of measurement methods and metrics, while new standards are adopted, and we exchange experience with colleagues in other countries all the time. As a leading communications research provider, we are ready to share the expertise we have gained over the years and are open to collaboration.